Speaking of Koolhaas, Frank Gehry says, "He's one of the great thinkers of our time"

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Space & Scale

In the Music House of Rem Koolhaas, the form of the space is maded based in the acoustic of the building, the building has a rectangular box form. this spaces are very big, because the architect wants to give the buiding a big scale to highlight the important of the same.

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Rem Koolhaas


Rem Koolhaas is one of the world's most intriguing architects. He is also an acute observer of politics, economics, cities and the way buildings work. How he manages to balance the two is something of a wonder. Here is an architect who could happily sit down one day with God to design refined and purposeful public buildings knitted into the fabric of old cities, and the next with the devil to design the wayward architecture demanded by ultra-capitalism.For all this reason we choose this architect for our final english's project, because we want to show you all excellent projects about Rem Koolhaas, and know him a litter bit more.